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More from San Jose State University

PW continues our Question and Answer session with Herb Schueneman, packaging program director at San Jose State University, San Jose, CA.

PW: You took over the program in mid-2001 after Jorge Marcondes, Ph.D., accepted a position at Clemson University. What is it like to follow in his footsteps?

Schueneman: Jorge Marcondes is a young, energetic, and extremely knowledgeable professional packaging educator. I'm extremely pleased to have worked closely with him over the past seven years during his tenure at San Jose State University.

PW: What has been your biggest challenge?

Schueneman: The packaging program was relocated from the College Of Applied Arts into the College of Engineering two years ago. As a result, all classes in COE must pass the Accreditation Bureau of Engineering and Technology (ABET) requirements. This means that all class content has to be upgraded quantitatively to meet minimum standards of both the University and the accrediting agency. Upgrading all classes to meet these requirements has been extremely challenging. In addition, the university requires a minimum enrollment in the program in order to support a certain minimum faculty level. Recruitment of students into the program is a big part of the job and has also proven challenging.

PW: What does it mean for the school to graduate packaging engineers?

New e-book on Multipacking and Case Packing
Read how to extend the life of your case packing equipment and best practices for efficient shrink bundling operation. Plus, learn the differences between wraparound & regular slotted containers.
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PACK EXPO International is where you can discuss real-world problems with experts and land on innovative ideas. Discover every new packaging and processing trend, see machinery in action and learn sustainable solutions from experts.
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