Which of the following provides the most job satisfaction?
Decision-making autonomy - Overall: 41.3%, Pharma/medical: 38%
Salary - Overall: 18.3%, Pharma/medical: 28.5%
Advancement potential - Overall: 8.7%, Pharma/medical: 9.5%
Number of hours worked - Overall: 11.1%, Pharma/medical: 5%
Job security - Overall: 20.6%, Pharma/medical: 19%
Which of the following provides the least job satisfaction?
Salary - Overall: 18%, Pharma/medical: 19%
Number of hours worked - Overall: 23%, Pharma/medical: 9.5%
Decision-making autonomy - Overall: 16%, Pharma/medical: 28.5%
Advancement potential - Overall: 24%, Pharma/medical: 28.5%
Job security - Overall: 19%, Pharma/medical: 14%
Job changes in the past year:
Added more responsibilities without more pay - Overall: 69.9%, Pharma/medical: 34%
Changed jobs or switched to new company - Overall: 19.4%, Pharma/medical: 17%
Experienced packaging-related budget cuts - Overall: 15.5%, Pharma/medical: 21%
Experienced packaging-related staff cuts - Overall: 13.6%, Pharma/medical: 10%
Promoted to a new job - Overall: 13.6%, Pharma/medical: 14%
(Multiple responses permitted)
Where are you located?
Northeast - Overall: 19%, Pharma/medical: 24%
Southeast - Overall: 16%, Pharma/medical: 19%
Midwest - Overall: 40%, Pharma/medical: 33%
Southwest - Overall: 6%, Pharma/medical: 5%
Mountain states - Overall: 2%, Pharma/medical: 5%
Other - Overall: 16%, Pharma/medical: 14%
What is the highest level of education you’ve completed?
2-year technical degree - Overall: 13%, Pharma/medical: 5%
4-year college degree - Overall: 46%, Pharma/medical: 48%
Post-graduate degree - Overall: 30%, Pharma/medical: 33%
Other - Overall: 11%, Pharma/medical: 14%
What plays the most critical role in your income?
Your production or output - Overall: 23%, Pharma/medical: 38%
Relationships with management or supervisors - Overall: 20%, Pharma/medical: 24%
Company or product sales - Overall: 38%, Pharma/medical: 28%
General economic issues - Overall: 15%, Pharma/medical: 5%
Other - Overall: 4%, Pharma/medical: 5%