What is your name and position? How long have you been in this role?
Allison Wagner, Director of Marketing and Business Strategy. I’ve been with Morrison Container Handling Solutions for five years and in this specific role for one year.
How did you get into the packaging/processing industry and what attracted you to it?
My entry to the packaging industry was truly happenstance – I applied for a job at Morrison, and I instantly fell in love with what we do and the fast-paced packaging industry.
What are some of the challenges that you have faced as a female in a male-dominated industry?
When you’re often the only woman in the room, you naturally get a sense of imposter syndrome. Sometimes it can be challenging to feel like you belong, but you do, and you’re in the room for a reason. Building that confidence is a life-long work in progress. Aside from often being the only woman in the room with decision making and strategic prowess, I find the biggest challenges stem from implicit biases by male counterparts, which most often occur at tradeshows. For example, someone is usually looking for my “boss,” which they mean male colleague who they believe is better at explaining our equipment than I could be, or that what I’m saying isn’t factual. Thankfully, I’m surrounded by amazing male colleagues who support me, so when they see this occur, they jump in and kindly assist by letting our peer know I’m one of the most qualified people to speak to our products – especially since I brand, launch, and position them! This is truly what it is going to take to help shift the needle toward equity in the workplace.
What has been the most important skill you’ve developed as you advanced your career?
Of all the skills I could’ve developed, I think the ability to create a network is the most important one, as well as asking questions. It is not possible to know all the things, but it is possible to surround yourself with people who cumulatively know all the things. There are people I go to within my company and outside my company that are experts in things I am not, and I leverage this whenever I need to learn something new, gut check an idea, or simply seek assistance. The skill of knowing when to say that you do not know the answer, and seek it from someone who does, is instrumental in being able to grow your career. Leaders value people on their team who can leverage their resources and remain curious.
Has there been a person in your life who has inspired or mentored you? How has that impacted you?
I have been incredibly fortunate to join the packaging industry at a time when there are more women leaders and peers than ever before, and the women of the PPWLN inspire me on a daily basis. We are very fortunate to have them as a resource to look up to. Most closely, I’ve been lucky to have my CEO Nancy Wilson be a mentor to me in marketing and as a female leader in this industry; she’s provided insight and advice that I couldn’t be more grateful for.
For young professionals looking at future career paths, describe your position – what does a typical workday look like in your role?
On the marketing side of my role, I’m focused on developing and implementing marketing strategies that are designed to increase revenue and brand awareness for our products. On the business strategy side of my role, I focus on strategies for long-term growth of our company, as well as leading strategic initiatives designed to improve our organization. I also manage the business plan and monitor how we are matching up against our objectives. In both areas, I work within product development to bring together teams toward a common development goal. Each day is full and can look incredibly different, and I enjoy having a role that is so dedicated to the bigger picture because it allows me to work with every department of our organization and learn multiple areas of the business.