Leveraging the rising demand for lower-priced vodka, Pernod Ricard saw an opportunity to introduce an extended offering of flavored vodka (including cherry, grape, and blueberry), and took the opportunity to optimize the existing package design for FRÏS.
Pernod Ricard turned to the New York office of Dragon Rouge, which created a stylized snowflake as the new icon for the brand. The snowflake embodies the companies proprietary freeze-distillation process) and optimizes the design for the new SKUs. Sophisticated typeface, photorealistic illustrations saturated with color, and color-coded medallions and caps help differentiate among the three new vodka flavors while also presenting an overall clean and masculine look.
“FRÏS has a distinctly Danish ‘functional’ feel,” explains Marcus Hewitt, Dragon Rouge chief creative officer. “While adding clear flavor cues, we wanted to build on this equity without diluting the ‘no-nonsense’ image. A bonus for us was the chance to create an iconic mark to communicate the distillation process. The six-pointed graphic snowflake represents the six-stage distillation process. Sometimes, you just get lucky!”