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Economic Outlook: 2020 and Beyond

Discussing the current economic outlook amidst a “double black swan event,” Alex Chausovsky of ITR Economics presented “Guidance in an Uncertain Economy” last week as part of PMMI’s Executive Leadership Conference.

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What is a black swan event? According to Investopedia, “A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, their severe impact, and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.”

Chausovsky said we are in the midst of an economic double black swan due to the following events: one is COVID-19, government response to the pandemic, and the resulting effect on the economy over the next several years; the second is the collapse in oil and gas prices resulting from the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Russia which resulted in a “massive disconnect” between supply and demand fundamentals in the oil market.

Regarding the pandemic, Chausovsky said, “We're just seeing some early signs of improvement and we're hoping that these downward trends continue in the weeks and months to come.” If the assumption is correct that moving into the third quarter there will be some thawing of economic activity as the worst of the virus is behind us, Chausovsky said, “People will start to feel more comfortable getting out and spending money in businesses.”  Also, as activity levels rise and consumers venture out more – and drive more – some of the “downside pressure” we’ve been seeing on oil prices will be alleviated.

The government response to the pandemic in the form of stimulus payments and the CARES Act provisions will also “mitigate some of the downside pressure on the economy, both from COVID-19 and from the collapse in oil and gas prices that we've seen,” said Chausovsky. He warns, however, that it will take three to six months for the impact of the stimulus to work its way through the economy, but that the “thawing out of economic activity” should occur in tandem with the positive impact of the stimulus response.

What does this mean to the packaging industry? While some have seen orders delayed or even canceled for new equipment, others are dealing with a surge in activity because they're producing “full out” in the food sector, in the pharmaceutical sector, and some of the home-goods related sectors.

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Chausovsky presents detailed statistics supporting his forecast which are available in the webinar, but the bottom line on the forecast for the GDP is that it is not expected to bottom out as low as the 2008-2009 Great Recession, and there should also be a quicker rebound in economic activity due to U.S. consumers being in a stronger position heading into this black swan induced recession than they were heading into 2008-2009.

“We're seeing economic activity all the way into the second half of 2021 before we get back into similar levels of activity that we saw back in 2019, before the onset of the black swan induced recession,” said Chausovsky.

“The sun will rise again, your business will see growth again…that's probably not going to happen over the next 12 months, but it's certainly going to happen 18 to 24 months from now,” said Chausovsky. “ I want to make sure that you realize that you've got to find this middle ground between cost cutting initiatives and belt tightening and investing for the future of your company.”

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