The technology also supports consumer demand for less reliance on chemical preservation. Oxy-Guard oxygen scavengers help prevent food waste and can alleviate many of the public’s quality concerns at a cost-competitive price. Oxy-Guard packaging inserts contain a combination of salt and iron powder, which combine to maintain oxygen levels at less than 0.01% inside sealed packages. As the salt absorbs moisture from the packaging, the iron begins to oxidize, initiating the oxygen absorption process. Oxy-Guard is said to extend product shelf-life from one week to several months compared to packaged food that does not utilize an oxygen scavenger.
Oxy-Guard can be used to preserve baked goods, nuts, dried grains, pasta, processed and dried meats, coffee and tea, chocolates and confectionary, dairy products, powdered proteins and beverages, frozen meals and pet foods, among other products.
Available in a variety of sizes, from 20 to 200o cubic centimeter (cc) based on the size of the packaging and the residual air inside. They can be provided as individual packets or continuous strip configurations for automatic insertion.