Engineers receive a median salary and bonus of $70겨 and received a median raise of 4.1% last year, while the average respondent earned a salary of $75곣 (the median is $71ꯠ). So reports the Institute of Packaging Professionals, which published its 2005 Salary Survey online last month. The survey reflects data collected throughout 2005. There were 490 respondents, though the specific number varies slightly from question to question. Both IoPP members and nonmembers participated. It was found that 60% of all respondents work for an end user and 22% work for a supplier company.
The low-down on income
Packaging Insights presents the following highlights:
• Almost 65% received a bonus, averaging $11꼌. Last year, 83% received a raise, while 4% had their earnings cut. The median raise was 4.0% last year.
• Average total compensation among respondents working in the United States was $82껸 in 2005 (median total equals $74ꯠ).
• Corporate managers receive the highest average total compensation, with a median compensation package of $104ꯠ. Marketing and sales personnel were the least likely to have received a raise in the past year.
• The average respondent is 39.9 years old.
• Male respondents are on average four years older than female respondents (40.8 years for males, 36.8 for females).
• The average male also has 4 more years of experience, at 13.4 years, while the female respondent's average experience is 9.4 years.
• 70% of all respondents saw their job responsibilities increase in the past year.
• Respondents over 55 years of age were less likely to see their responsibilities increase (49% of this group saw an increase).
• About half (49%) of all respondents have an undergraduate degree and 24% have earned a master’s degree; 1% have earned a doctorate (PhD).
• Almost one-third of the respondents are Certified Packaging Professionals (CPP).
• As a respondent's experience level increases, so does the probability of being a CPP.
The IoPP 2005 Salary Survey was conducted online at IoPP during the period from January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005. IoPP has begun collecting data for the 2006 salary survey.