In its year-end e-mail message, consulting company Packaging Technology Integrated Solutions “borrows” from David Letterman, saying, “Looking forward to 2013, we believe the Top 9 trends for packaging in 2013 will be:
10. Clean machine design helps drive OEM growth and meet new regulations.
9. Digital printing continues to make advances and becomes a reality.
8. Sustainable packaging and waste to value propositions get more clarity and harmonization.
7. Interactive and intelligent packaging becomes more real and gets commercialized.
6. Flexible packaging growing in new markets and categories globally.
5. Companies ramp up new processes to look at risk and anticipatory issues and get in front of the next BPA.
4. Digital media and package design: Social media and zero moment of truth will offer big opportunities for packaging going forward.
3. Packaging enabled innovation and growth: More companies targeting a percentage of their growth driven by packaging.
2. Consumer insight for packaging: Companies recognize the importance of consumer insights for packaging and how it can vary, and expect more data from suppliers.”
PTIS asks readers to submit ideas for the number-one trend in packaging for 2013. The person who submits the best idea will receive a one-year subscription to PULSE, valued at $15,000. To be considered, submit your idea before Jan. 11, 2013 at PTIS’ Future of Packaging Community Web site.