Despite the considerable output power and speed of the AG24, all the components are still integrated into one housing. No external components or junction boxes are needed to connect to a higher-level controller. This means that the drive is connected only to the supply voltage, and the port for data exchange has to be connected directly to the controller or the next drive in the network.
The AG24 serves the leading standard communication interfaces Profinet, Ethernet IP, Powerlink and Ethercat. Numerous function blocks, add-on instructions, as well as different libraries are important software tools which offer the user a substantial simplification of system integration.
With a maximum rated torque of 14 Nm, the new AG24 is a real power pack. The compact drive reaches its maximum changeover speed of 150 rpm at a nominal torque of 6 Nm and can fully automate virtually any manual adjustment effortlessly. Due to the hollow shaft with clamping ring and torque support, the drive is very simply adapted to the existing machine shaft without the basic construction of the adjustment unit having to be changed.
With the integrated 2-line LCD and the integrated keypad, not only can the individual IP addresses be assigned, the current actual value and the respective setpoint can also be directly monitored for diagnostics. Furthermore, via the display and the keyboard, it is possible to check each stored parameter and to adjust it if necessary. Possible operating data can be read out and errors can be diagnosed without an analysis via the fieldbus being necessary.