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The EtherCAT (CoE) Network Option Module implements the CANopen drive profile (CiA402) in EtherCAT communication (real-time Ethernet communication). This allows the user to control a Sigma-5 amplifier with an EtherCAT master in a variety of different modes (cyclic synchronous position, cyclic synchronous velocity, cyclic synchronous torque, interpolated position, profile position, profile velocity, or profile torque) and system architectures (line, star, tree, or daisy chain). EtherCAT masters are available from a variety of different PLC and PC suppliers.
The Fully Closed Loop Option Module allows the user to close the position loop around a secondary feedback device placed near the load. This feature can help eliminate the effects of mechanical and thermal variances of mechanical components allowing for more precise control and improved machine performance.
User manuals, system configuration files, CAD drawings and more are available on-line at