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Rack and Pinion Vertical Divert for Paper Towel Industry

Pack Air Inc. unveils the new Servo Vertical Rack and Pinion Divert for high-speed paper product vertical diverting.

Vertical Servo Divert

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Pack Air Inc. engineered a vertical servo divert with rack and pinion technology for high-speed paper towel diverting.

Paper towel rolls exit a log saw and lead to the infeed of the Servo Vertical Rack and Pinion Divert. The product is then transferred onto the modular plastic chain within the Vertical Rack and Pinion divert structure. In this particular application, sensors look for the natural gap between logs that differentiate each slug; however, in other applications, the device can be programmed to shift on other gaps. Then the Rack and Pinion Vertical Divert will move between top and bottom discharge transfers at a high-speed rate after completing each slug count.  Guide rails are used to keep multiple lanes of product separated and contained while diverting.

A HMI panel allows the operator to pick from different SKU’s and modes for diverting or pass-thru modes as well as other operation criteria. The Rack and Pinion Vertical Divert also features a double redundant fall protection system and maintenance lock out positions to lock the lift platform in place.

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