The bottle, consisting of a shrink-sleeved, spherical shoulder and vertical ribbed body design, is also decorated with a wraparound paper label. This design brings together a number of visual elements to create a distinctive look. The neck portion of the bottle is spherical with the shrink sleeve decorated with photos of fruit, giving the illusion of the water passing through the fruit, picking up its flavor before being consumed. The upper portion of the base section has a more traditional wraparound label, leaving the lower portion of the base for “branding panels.” These panels provide an easy-grip feature for the consumer. The AriZona brand name is embossed in the center of the vertically oriented panels. “It was important for us to break away from the traditional looking hot-fill bottle,” says John Balboni, AriZona president. “Constar did a great job of giving us both the function we needed as well as a unique look for our new Infused Water product.”