Editor’s Note: Each presentation title is preceded with a letter (M, T or W) and boldface track name, designating the day and track of the presentation. Tracks include: Materials, Security, Operations, Pharmaceutical Packaging, OMAC, Closures, Cost Control and Coding.)
Monday, October 13
8:30 – 9:15
eye-openerkeynote session
Simon Langford
Manager, Global RFID Strategy of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Ron Reed, Co-presenter
Manager, Corporate Packaging for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Implementing RFID: Wal-Mart’s Supply Chain Expectations
9:25 – 10:10am
concurrent sessions
(M1 Materials) Fresh Foods, Natural Packaging: the Benefits, the Potentials, and the Realities of PLA
Brian Glasbrenner, Business Development Manager – PLA Films, North America, Cargill Dow LLC; and David Hess, Vice President of Operations, Simon Candy
(M2 Security) New FDA Packaging Regulation Initiatives under the Bioterrorism Preparedness Act
Ralph Simmons and David Ettinger, Attorneys at Law, Keller & Heckman LLP
(M3 Operations) Process Control of Motion in Packaging – Packaging as Part of the Process
Craig Kruse, Corporate Account Manager – Bosch Rexroth Corporation
(M4 Pharmaceutical Packaging) Applying the Good Automated Manufacturing Practice
(GAMP) Methodology to OEM Equipment
Jim John, Director of Corporate Development, Brock Solutions Inc.
10:20 – 11:05am
concurrent sessions
(M5 Materials) Lighter, Stronger, More Appealing Glass Containers
Mary Ellen Reis, President, Packnology
(M6 Security) Hard Times for Product Pirates: Flexible Packaging Counterfeiting Defenses
Angela Roggenhofer, Healthcare Marketing Manager The Americas, Hueck Foils LLC
(M7 Operations) Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM): Putting the “Science of Reliability” into Practice
John Callini, Principal Engineer, MARKEM Corporation
(M8 Pharmaceutical Packaging) Packaging Process Validation - an OEM perspective
Mel Bahr, Chairman, MGS Machine Corp.
11:15am – 12:00pm
concurrent sessions
(M9 Materials) Packaging Fees in Canada, New Environmental Design Requirements in Europe and Asia: How Do I Comply?
Victor Bell, CPP, President, Environmental Packaging International
(M10 Security) Achieving A Simultaneous Boost In Product Security And Quality Via X-Ray Inspection
Ken Bloomfield, Principal, Tellico Harbor Consulting
(M11 Operations) Quick Changeover: At the Intersection of Mass and Lean
John Henry, CPP, Changeover.com
(M12 Pharmaceutical Packaging) Operations Aid - Packaging, Labeling and Warehousing Guide for Pharmaceuticals
Nancy St. Laurent, President, STL LINCS
Tuesday, October 14
8:30 – 9:15
eye-openerkeynote session
Jon Elia
Quality Systems Manager, Manufacturing
H.E.B. Grocery Company
Eliminating Muda (Waste) in Your Packaging Operations
9:25 – 10:10am
concurrent sessions
(T1 OMAC) “Plug and Pack” Specifications Benefit Packagers and Machinery Builders
Robert Martell, ISPE, Automation Engineer, Pfizer Corp.; Patrik Hug, President & CEO, ELAU Corp.; and Jonas Ewing, Quality Manager, Norden Pac
(T2 Closures) Advances in Value Added Closures: Hot Fill Plastic & Composite Closures for Plastic Containers
Bill Thomas, Director Product Development, Silgan Closures; and Ed Lerner, Manager Packaging & Processes, Welch Foods
(T3 Operations) Robotic Technology for Palletizing and Depalletizing
Mark W. Senti, President, GSMA Systems
(T4 Materials) Food Can Innovations and Trends
Jeffery DeLiberty, Marketing Manager, Silgan Containers
10:20 – 11:05am
concurrent sessions
(T5 OMAC) Packaging Needs (Reliability, Flexibility, Appropriate Human Interface, Applied Standards) of the Food Industry
David Lutz, Senior Packaging Engineering Specialist, General Mills
(T6 Closures) Fitment Closures for Gable-top Cartons
Dick Lohrman, Vice-President Engineering & R&D, Portola Packaging, Inc.
(T7 Operations) Training IS a Business Decision: Building Value Through Training Partnerships
Nancy Cobb, President, Partners in Possibilities
(T8 Materials) Flexible Pouch Zippers that Meet
the Challenges of Retorting, Powdered Products,
Easy Elderly Access and More
Bob Hogan, Sales and Marketing Director, Zip-Pak,
an ITW Company
11:15am – 12:00pm
concurrent sessions
(T9 OMAC) Packaging Network Security in the Food Industry
Edmund K. Amanor, Staff Engineer, Hershey Foods Corporation
(T10 Closures) Adding Value to Consumer Packaging with Dispensing Closures
Raj Krishna, Vice President, Director of Technology,
(T11 Operations) Packaging for Materials Handling
David Maloney, Senior Editor, Modern Materials Handling Magazine
(T12 Materials) Rotary Screen Graphics Enhance
The Look and Feel of Shrink Film Labeling
Patrick R. Kennedy, VP of Sales and Marketing,
The Kennedy Group; Nancy Klaar, Marketing Manager,
The Kennedy Group; and George Michaels, Director of Sales and Marketing, Trine Labeling Systems
Wednesday, October 15
8:30 – 9:15
eye-openerkeynote session
Everett V. Darby
Vice President, New Product & Package Innovation,
North America
Coca-Cola North America
The Innovation Imperative
9:25 – 10:10am
concurrent sessions
(W1 Closures) Choosing The Right Heat Induction Material
Bob Radek, National Accounts Manager, Selig Sealing Products, Inc.
(W2 Cost Control) The Threat of Reverse Auctions
Jan Stoddard, Associate, Raine Consulting Inc.
(W3 Operations) Stop Line Jams From Happening Again
Chris Froah, Packaging Engineer, Procter & Gamble; and Jim Dechman, President and CEO, Monitoring Technology Corporation
(W4 Coding) The New Revolution in Product Identification: EPC Integration for RFID
Greg Elfering, National Sales Manager; and David Benjamin, Business Development Manager, Markem
10:20 – 11:05am
concurrent sessions
(W5 Closures) The Use of Induction Sealing Technology for Capless Sealing
Mark Plantier, Marketing Manager, Enercon Industries
(W6 Cost Control) Reducing Total Cost of Ownership for Industrial Ink Jet Printing
Steve Liker, Director of Marketing, Trident (an ITW company)
(W7 Operations) Using PackML for OEE Analysis
Steven J. Weber, Supply Chain Project Manager, Unilever North America
(W8 Coding) Automating Spice Bag Labeling and Saving $300ꯠ a Year in the Process
Tony Fowler, Account Manager, Pax Printer Engines, Zebra Technologies; Olindo Eger, Principal Systems Engineer, SuperUser Solutions; Jeff Caddell, Senior Project Engineer McCormick Flavor Group
11:15am – 12:00pm
concurrent sessions
(W9 Closures) Advancements in Vacuum Beverage Closures
Mark Fricke, Vice President of Product Development & Research, Kerr Group Inc.
(W10 Cost Control) Value Analysis/Value Engineering for Reducing Packaging Costs
Linda Michels, COO, ADR North America
(W11 Operations) Meat and Poultry Tray Packaging: Trimming Costs, Enhancing Appeal
Bob Koch, Head of Sales, Food Div., Multivac Inc.
(W12 Coding) Will the Real RFID Please Stand Up?
A Panel Discussion presented by AIM – the Association for Automated Identification and Data Capture Technologies
Moderator: Bob Karr, Vice President, Marketing ,
SATO America, Inc.
Panelists: Mike Nichols, Senior Project Consultant,
Global Business Development, Intermec
Bill Allen, Marketing Manager, Texas Instruments
Matt Ream, Sr. Product Manager, RFID Systems,
Zebra Technologies
Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute
Phone: 703/243-8555