The round-wall design and novel blow-trim technology is used to create a glass-like PET container that has many desirable consumer advantages such as light weight, easy opening, and much improved product evacuation, as well as unbreakable design, transparency, and the environmental benefits of a lightweight and recyclable jar.
The conversion to PET provides benefits for brand owners and contract packager: reduced weight results in lower transportation costs and less breakage means more efficient inline production and handling.
With a unique panel-less design, the bottle’s four horizontal ribs and stiff walls resist the vacuum as the product cools, maintaining bottle shape. The round 63-mm jar weighs just 51 grams. The patented blow-trim technology produces consistent finish dimensions; optimum closure performance; and a flatter, smoother, and wider surface that maintains good fit and seal integrity. The stock round jars are commercially available with the option of oxygen-barrier offerings.