The container was designed by Beiersdorf, owner of the Nivea brand, and manufactured by Ardagh Group. The three-year redesign process, one of the most important marketing projects in the brand’s history, has been carefully managed at all stages to meet advanced technical requirements and customer specifications.
A key aspect of the program were the two state-of-the-art multiple-stage necking systems at Ardagh’s specialist aerosol plant in Veenendaal, the Netherlands, to produce the uniquely shaped long sleek can in the most efficient and precise way.
The design was extensively market tested for consumer reaction and comment. The favorable response, together with an improved shelf stand-out – the can is 9 mm taller than its predecessor – contributed to its recent successful launch in Europe.
Bernhard Meier, Commercial Director at Ardagh’s metal division, explained: “With our long-standing customer, Beiersdorf, we investigated various technologies at the cutting edge of aerosol can production. As a result, we believe we have set new standards for high-quality metal packaging for today’s consumer.”
Klaus-Peter Stange, Global Packaging Research & Development at Beiersdorf, added, ““Finding an optimum production solution for this sleek new design was crucial and we are very pleased with the outcome of what has been a very complex but rewarding project. Ardagh’s commitment to excellence throughout this project was much appreciated.”