Introduced last year in Europe, FlexiQule is the fourth in a range of plant-derived health supplements from AlchemLife, using the company’s proprietary technology called PhytoAdvance®, which represents 75+ years of science and precision technology to extract and formulate plant actives to produce products.
FlexiQule is developed as “a ground-breaking natural joint support, featuring a unique blend of concentrated Indian Frankincense (Boswellia Phytoextract) and ginger, in a formulation with enhanced bioavailability.” The product incorporates “natural, powerful and safe ingredients for joint pain that have been used for centuries in traditional herbal medicinal systems to support joint health and relieve the symptoms of joint pain and stiffness,” says AlchemLife.
The company is a division of Alchem Intl. Pvt. Ltd., based in New Dehli, India, that also includes Alchem USA in Larchmont, NY. The company describes itself as pioneers in the field of phytochemicals and providers of plant-derived ingredients to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and nutraceuticals industries.
What’s immediately striking about the FlexiQule supplement is its sliding blister pack from Burgopak that’s more typically used for pharmaceuticals. “AlchemLife comes from a pharmaceutical heritage and it was important to transmit this value through our packaging,” says Thomas Boggiano, Marketing and Sales Manager with AlchemLife Europe. “With our R&D departments, clinical and customer trials, our packaging had to reflect our science and innovation.”
Boggiano notes, “AlchemLife was looking for packaging partners able to meet our criteria for innovation and differentiation. With its range of products, Burgopak met our requirements with flying colors for a slim pack that could fit into a pocket and also reduce shipping costs.”
AlchemLife tasked Burgopak with the challenge of designing a compact pack to match their technical product proposition surrounding flexibility and freedom to move. Key drivers included lifestyle positioning and an emphasis on the user experience, which takes the user on a journey to improved physical health, aiming to provide a new lease on life free of limitations. The pack accommodates 30 soft gels and communicates a daily health routine to promote regular use for maximum benefit to alleviate long-term discomfort and encourage brand loyalty.
To convey the message of flexibility and movement, Burgopak incorporated its sliding mechanism to relate the ease of movement gained through continued use of Flexiqule, which includes the use of a tactile physical touchpoint. The polyvinyl chloride (PVC)/polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) pack decoration, includes a 25 g/sm Arktika cover, a CMYK print with silver foil, UV spot and metallic pantone color, lending a high-quality finish that’s pleasing to the eye and to the touch, enlisting the senses to enhance the consumer brand experience.
The package consists of four components: two blisters, a polypropylene band to facilitate the sliding mechanism, and a folding box board cover. The blisters (and bulk product filling) are produced by Wasdell Group. Burgopak works with its licensed manufacturer Pirells to produce the box board cover, which involves printing, die-cutting, and preparation for assembly with the blisters to produce a finished product.
Alchem worked with Burgopak to create package graphics, which include an image of a person running on the outer cover panel. A printed blister uses arrows to connect motivational phrases and desired effects.
Burgopak Managing Director Rosie Reardon says, “We were thrilled when Alchem [Life] approached us with their vision for FlexiQule.” The sliding mechanism was fitting to enhance the Alchem brand message, “but we wanted to go that step further, incorporating artwork onto both the cover and the blister.”
Since launching the new product/packaging, AlchemLife has experienced a positive reception from both the trade and consumers. Says Boggiano, “It’s ingenious packaging! We continue to receive exciting feedback on our customers’ love for the brilliant marketing campaign with smart, stylish and attractive packaging. Users describe its ease of use and informative layout with glowing accounts that match the ease that FlexiQule has brought to their lives reminding the user to keep-up a regular routine.”
Burgopak packaging is being used for FlexiQule in Europe online and at retail pharmacies, although Boggiano says the product is sold in the U.S. and in Asia.
He explains that the packaging is also being considered for other Alchem products. “Burgopak’s expertise in this field has been a major help in achieving our goal,” says Boggiano. “People really enjoy the convenience, the [strength], and the ‘journey.’ The trade appreciates the differentiation among other products. The industry tends to have very limited pack options, and shelves can look similar. FlexiQule came as a real change.”
Three takeaways:
- Product and package complement one another to demonstrate mobility and flexibility.
- Packaging reflects science and innovation.
- Slim pack fits into pockets and reduces shipping costs.