Michigan State University’s School of Packaging will host a seminar called “Package Design and Testing for Safe Shipments,” Sept. 8-9, at its James B. Henry Center for Executive Development. For hazardous materials, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, the event will cover the latest design issues and testing procedures for bottles, closures, and containers to provide protection against leaks and failures. Registration fee is $950; contact Mary Anne Merrill at 517/355-9586, or at [email protected].
Separately, Clemson University will host "Packaging Fundamentals," Nov. 4-6, and "Managing Packaging Development," Nov. 6-7. The former seminar will cover packaging materials, laws, regulations, testing, and environmental issues. The latter will cover a systematic and integrated packaging development approach, involving production, marketing, packaging engineering, packaging suppliers, sales, and purchasing. Details are available at www.clemson.edu/pkgsci, or by calling Dr. Scott Whiteside at 864/656-6246.