The Global Package Gallery (www.globalpackagegallery.com) permits
access to thousands of packages in dozens of categories from around the
world submitted by staff photographers, design firms, and partner
packaging magazines.
Perform category audits in minutes, inspect package details with high
resolution, and with a subscription download photos for presentations.
The Global Package Gallery photo database--4,300 products and counting--is organized into albums of specific categories.
One of the recent additions to the GPG is this package for underwear from Sweden (shown).
Houdini Sportswear (Sweden)
Summary: New way to sell clothes, in this case underwear. Monomaterial
with body from cartonboard and ends from molded fiber. The product can
be seen through a hole in the side of the package. Source: Nord
Take a look and check back regularly, the GPG grows weekly, with the
latest packages added to the gallery viewable using the link on the
left side of the homepage. Unlike Houdini underwear, the GPG's global display of packages will not disappear.
Source: www.globalpackagegallery.com