They help to preserve contents, keep out contaminants like moisture and dust, and prevent spilling while dispensing. IPL flip-top caps for rigid packaging lids are made out of HDPE (high-density polyethylene), which is a very strong type of plastic that is resistant to impact and able to withstand the constant opening and closing of the cap.
All the materials used are recyclable, and there are food-grade and FDA-approved options for making a variety of containers, including dispensers for cleaning products or sanitizer wipes.
PACK EXPO Connects – November 9-13. Now more than ever, packaging and processing professionals need solutions for a rapidly changing world, and the power of the PACK EXPO brand delivers the decision makers you need to reach. Attendee registration is open now.
The flip top closure is a one piece cap with a body and a lid connected by a hinge. The hinge allows the lid to be closed onto the body of the flip top cap which has some kind of finger tab enabling the user to open, dispensed and closed the cap more easily and to retain freshness.