Once again, articles on package design made a strong showing in the list of articles most popular with readers of packworld.com. From uses of social media to single-serve pouches to Tropicana’s bold move to PET, readers were keen to see what Packaging World editors had to say.
1. Social media input energizes Verve Energy Drink packaging redesign: Vemma employs the input of 23,000-plus Facebook followers to help design a more modern look for its aluminum can-packed energy beverages.
2. Mountain Dew gets brand-specific bottle: Design challenges include meeting operational requirements for ‘hundreds of bottlers’ and creating a new shape using the same lightweight preform for sustainability.
3. Single-serve pouch pulls off premixed, frozen margaritas: Premixed margaritas can be enjoyed in flexible, fun pouch packaging that eliminates the blender.
4. Tropicana's bold shift to PET: Project "Inspiration" takes Tropicana Pure Premium into four new PET bottles, including two handled containers made with a new EBM grade that’s approved for recycling.
5. Portable, stackable single-serve wine launched: More than a gimmick, Stacked Wines’ new single-serve PET packaging uses proprietary technology to deliver convenience, a longer shelf life, and a premium wine-drinking experience.
6. Pilot program at NYC chain to recycle paper-based packaging: Pret A Manger pilot is one of the first to recycle a range of paper food-packaging items.
7. Liquor-spiked freezer-pops: Zeus Juice chooses vf/f/s machine to serve up packaged frozen cocktails.
8. Pepperidge Farm first to market with new reclosure for Baked Naturals Cracker Chips bag: Baking and snack food company’s Baked Naturals Cracker Chips represent the first commercial application of SealTab reclose feature.
9. Kraft RRP for cream cheese yields 800,000-lb paper savings: New RRP for Philadelphia cream cheese bricks enhances ease of display by retailers, as well as consumer shoppability, while significantly reducing packaging materials.
10. Innovative engine oil packaging: Universal Lubricants re-refines oil products and re-defines packaging parameters for this market segment.
11. Capri Sun launches 'bottle can': In February, Tarrytown, NY-based Kraft Foods Beverages Division introduced Capri Sun Island Refreshers in a 16.5-oz aluminum “bottle can.”
12. Safeway has occasion-based wine category all wrapped up: A new line of wines targeted at specific buying occasions stand out on Safeway’s store shelves, with their ‘exquisitely designed’ full-body paper wraps.
13. 'Revolutionary' package design refresh for Summer's Eve feminine hygiene products : A complete transformation for Summer’s Eve’s feminine hygiene products packaging brings brand relevancy to a new generation of users.