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Top 13 articles from the past year

What better way to keep your hand on the pulse of the fast-paced packaging space than by reviewing our list of the articles that readers found most popular in 2012?

Once again, articles on package design made a strong showing in the list of articles most popular with readers of packworld.com. From uses of social media to single-serve pouches to Tropicana’s bold move to PET, readers were keen to see what Packaging World editors had to say.

1. Social media input energizes Verve Energy Drink packaging redesign: Vemma employs the input of 23,000-plus Facebook followers to help design a more modern look for its aluminum can-packed energy beverages.

2. Mountain Dew gets brand-specific bottle: Design challenges include meeting operational requirements for ‘hundreds of bottlers’ and creating a new shape using the same lightweight preform for sustainability.

3. Single-serve pouch pulls off premixed, frozen margaritas: Premixed margaritas can be enjoyed in flexible, fun pouch packaging that eliminates the blender.

4. Tropicana's bold shift to PET: Project "Inspiration" takes Tropicana Pure Premium into four new PET bottles, including two handled containers made with a new EBM grade that’s approved for recycling.

5. Portable, stackable single-serve wine launched: More than a gimmick, Stacked Wines’ new single-serve PET packaging uses proprietary technology to deliver convenience, a longer shelf life, and a premium wine-drinking experience.

6. Pilot program at NYC chain to recycle paper-based packaging: Pret A Manger pilot is one of the first to recycle a range of paper food-packaging items.

7. Liquor-spiked freezer-pops: Zeus Juice chooses vf/f/s machine to serve up packaged frozen cocktails.

8. Pepperidge Farm first to market with new reclosure for Baked Naturals Cracker Chips bag: Baking and snack food company’s Baked Naturals Cracker Chips represent the first commercial application of SealTab reclose feature.

9. Kraft RRP for cream cheese yields 800,000-lb paper savings: New RRP for Philadelphia cream cheese bricks enhances ease of display by retailers, as well as consumer shoppability, while significantly reducing packaging materials.

10. Innovative engine oil packaging: Universal Lubricants re-refines oil products and re-defines packaging parameters for this market segment.

11. Capri Sun launches 'bottle can': In February, Tarrytown, NY-based Kraft Foods Beverages Division introduced Capri Sun Island Refreshers in a 16.5-oz aluminum “bottle can.”

12. Safeway has occasion-based wine category all wrapped up: A new line of wines targeted at specific buying occasions stand out on Safeway’s store shelves, with their ‘exquisitely designed’ full-body paper wraps.

13. 'Revolutionary' package design refresh for Summer's Eve feminine hygiene products : A complete transformation for Summer’s Eve’s feminine hygiene products packaging brings brand relevancy to a new generation of users.


New e-book on Multipacking and Case Packing
Read how to extend the life of your case packing equipment and best practices for efficient shrink bundling operation. Plus, learn the differences between wraparound & regular slotted containers.
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New e-book on Multipacking and Case Packing
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PACK EXPO International is where you can discuss real-world problems with experts and land on innovative ideas. Discover every new packaging and processing trend, see machinery in action and learn sustainable solutions from experts.
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