A label on a small tractor that warns, "Danger: Avoid Death," has been
chosen as the nation's most obvious warning label in M-LAW's (Michigan
Lawsuit Abuse Watch) 11th annual Wacky Warning Label Contest.
The second place winner (shown) is an iron-on T-shirt transfer that warns: "Do not iron while wearing shirt." Other winners:
*A label on a baby-stroller featuring a small storage pouch that warns: "Do not put child in bag."
*A warning label on a letter opener that states: "Caution: Safety goggles recommended."
*A warning found on Vanishing Fabric Marker that cautions users: "The
Vanishing Fabric Marker should not be used as a writing instrument for
signing checks or any legal documents."
M-LAW began the annual contest in 1997 to expose how frivolous
lawsuits, and a concern about potential frivolous lawsuits, have led to
a new cultural phenomenon: the wacky warning label.
For further information, including the silliest labels from past contests, visit www.wackywarnings.com.