The company declined to provide any details about the development.
The box of 100 sq’ of film offers a perforated tearstrip opening device. When removed, the consumer is instructed to remove the roll of film on a core. Inside the core is the slider device, a molded plastic track that contains the cutting head. Artwork on the side of the package shows the consumer where to apply the self-adhesive track, once the paper covering it is lifted off.
Inside the 13½”-long box, the 11½”-wide film on the core permits unrolling over the track. Then when the correct amount of film is dispensed, the consumer slides the cutting device along the track to cut the film cleanly.
The film itself is made from a new formula, according to copy on the bottom of the carton. “As a result of S.C. Johnson’s initiative to look for more sustainable and environmentally acceptable plastic,” the copy says the Saran formula was changed to remove chlorine. Other copy indicates the film is 30% thicker than before, and that it now stretches to seal. Elsewhere on the package, copy notes the film is made in France.
Finally, the box sports the 100% Recycled Paperboard logo, indicating the carton was made with a minimum of 35% post-consumer content.