Capsule reviews

Weatherchem's (Twinsburg, OH) site at provides information on products such as its Top-Squeeze one-piece squeeze-and-turn child-resistant closure, which recently passed the revised Consumer Product Safety Commission protocol tests.

Ease of navigation makes quick work of evaluating stretch wrapping equipment at Orion?s site (above). Actual test protocols used
Ease of navigation makes quick work of evaluating stretch wrapping equipment at Orion?s site (above). Actual test protocols used

What's unique here is that the site links to a page that describes the actual test protocols used. The site's layout is clean and consistent, with a graphic depiction of each closure and clear headings such as "important information you should know."

The packaging section of ITW Dynatec's (Hendersonville, TN) site, at, is also well-designed. It contains a wealth of information, including good photography, on the supplier's hot melt applicators. Color photography, bulleted copy and ample white space make the site's pages easy to read. The site also provides information on its products for converting applications, as well as information for OEM machine builders.

A variety of information on stretch-wrapping equipment is provided at Orion Packaging's (Memphis, TN) site at Unlike so many sites on the Web, Orion's has a linear, easy-to-navigate feel to it. Product information has been organized in an accessible format. A valuable feature that should be standard on every supplier's Web site is an "Info Now" button after every product. Clicking on it leads to a form that can be used to request additional information. It also includes space to type in application-specific questions.

If you're new to packaging and need to get up to speed quickly, several packaging suppliers' sites offer excellent glossaries and Web pages on Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQs in Net parlance). FAQs don't have to be fancy to be useful. One example is the FAQ on shrink-film equipment at Eastey's site ( While the questions are from packaging end-users of Eastey's equipment, some answers contain elements that are broadly applicable to all users of shrink-film equipment. c

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