Nalbach Engineering Co., Inc.
This recently upgraded site includes a QuickTime Virtual Tour of the company’s PackExpo booth, as well as a QuickTime Virtual Tour of its aerosol filler. The site also includes other product videos.
Trine Labeling Systems
This redesigned Web site includes the company’s entire line of high-speed roll-fed and shrink labeling systems. Visitors can research machine specifications and view the machines in action with the use of streaming video. Specific product information can also be requested online.
JoAnn Hines, The Chief People Packager and Packaging Coach
This new site highlights the latest business and career articles from JoAnn Hines of Women in Packaging. Just released: Three-part Interview Planner and Tutorial.
Hoppmann Corp.
A new site dedicated to the company’s labeling equipment contains a separate login for its distributors. There, they will be able to find detailed technical information, drawings, downloads, and a distributor bulletin board. Customers will be able to obtain standard manuals, spare parts information, and more.