Explore all the latest packaging trends, all at PACK EXPO International
Discover new packaging & processing solutions from 2,500+ exhibitors, all under one roof at PACK EXPO International, Nov. 3 – 6 in Chicago.

Caulk-it revolutionizes the sealants market

GE Sealants & Adhesives, a wholly owned subsidiary of the General Electric Co., is revolutionizing the sealant market with its most recent innovation.

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Trademarked GE Caulk-It provides consumers with a one-of-a-kind squeeze tube applicator created for easy, accurate, and tidy application.

The package has a patent-pending applicator from Polytop and a proprietary formula that resulted from extensive consumer research that revealed that consumers want a caulk that’s easy to apply without the use of a caulk gun.

After giving considerable thought to mastering the ergonomics of the container, the company turned to Altira for design, engineering, mold making, and extrusion blow molding of the medium-density polyethylene container. For decoration, GE went to SleeveCo. That firm gravure-prints the full-body shrink sleeve in six colors. This is believed to be the first product in the sealant category to use full-body shrink sleeves. GE says it chose the design to give the caulk the vibrant shelf appeal it needed to stand out in the retail marketplace.

GE handed the label application tasks to Easy Contract Labeling. This contract labeler answered the call and designed a system to apply the labels. After the precision nozzles are snapped onto the container and the labels applied, the package is sent through a combination of steam tunnels, direct heat, and infrared lighting to achieve the proper shrink.

The new product was released recently nationwide in Wal-Mart and has the potential to enter other chains soon.

Check out new technology from 2,500+ packaging & processing suppliers
PACK EXPO International is where you can discuss real-world problems with experts and land on innovative ideas. Discover every new packaging and processing trend, see machinery in action and learn sustainable solutions from experts.
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Check out new technology from 2,500+ packaging & processing suppliers
Special Report: Track & Trace
Discover new tools to approach the supply chain that allow you to leverage your data, see real-time visibility, and forecast future sales. You’ll also learn about KH Hive, an in-house digital demand planning tool that Kraft Heinz created to help the company realize its goals, forecasting sales expectation down to the SKU level, location level, and daily level.
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Special Report: Track & Trace