AMCI’s SV160E2 Integrated Servo Motor offers many sophisticated features and the compact design eliminates the need to purchase a multiple components because they are all built-in.
Features include:
• Servo Motor + Drive + Controller
• 0.5Nm continuous torque, 1.3Nm peak torque
• EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP & Profinet
• Integrated, Dual-Port Switch
• Simple Performance Tuning
• Dynamic Torque Control
• Safe Torque Off (optional)
• Absolute Multi-Turn Encoder Feedback
• Programs using PLC’s native software
Unit includes an integrated dual port switch with EtherNet/IP, Modbus-TCP, & Profinet connectivity and has the following features: simple performance tuning, dynamic torque control, safe torque off (optional), virtual axis follower, absolute encoder feedback, built-in web server, compatible cord sets, and more. Additional software is not needed because everything is programmed from the PLC using the controller’s native software. Additionally, configuration files (EDS & GSDML) and sample programs help to streamline the product's initial set-up and programming.