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Static Bottle Recycling Rate is Insufficient to Meet CPG Demands for rPET

A new report shows a U.S. recycling rate for PET and HDPE bottles of 28.9% in 2018, far below the volume needed to meet CPG’s upcoming goals around the use of recycled content.

Plastic Bottle Recycling
The domestic collection of plastic bottles for recycling rose 52 million pounds, or 1.8%, to reach nearly 2.9 billion pounds in 2018.

While a recent press release from the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) and the American Chemistry Council proclaims, “Plastic Bottle Recycling Strong Despite Challenges,” a 28.9% recycling rate for PET and high-density polyethylene bottles in 2018 lags far behind the rates recorded in Europe—and far behind the rates that will be needed to fulfill the numerous commitments made by Consumer Packaged Goods companies to use more recycled content in their packaging by 2025.

According to “The 29th annual National Postconsumer Plastic Bottle Recycling Report,” the domestic collection of plastic bottles for recycling rose 52 million pounds, or 1.8%, to reach nearly 2.9 billion pounds in 2018. At the same time, there was little change in the overall recycling rate for plastic bottles, with a slight decline of  0.4% from the prior year.

In 2017, plastic bottle recycling declined slightly, slipping 3.6% to 2.8 billion lb. Overall, the recycling rate for plastic bottles for the year was 29.3%, down 0.4% from 29.7% in 2016. (See article from Packaging World: "Report: Plastic Bottle Recycling Declines Slightly in 2017").

Compare those numbers with the results of a study released in mid-2019 by ICIS (Independent Commodity Intelligence Services) around the collection, recycling, and end use of PET in Europe. It shows that the PET bottle collection rate in Western Europe rose from 58% in 2016 to 63% in 2018 and is projected to reach 65% in 2019.

Notes an article in Recycling magazine, “According to ICIS The top seven highest collection rates in 2018 were found in countries with a deposit return scheme (DRS) in place for PET bottle collection, perhaps evidence that such systems are what is needed to produce the outcomes required in terms of quantity and quality improvements. Regulation is seen as the most effective way to drive investment in recycling—but agreeing who pays within the supply chain is an argument that will run for some time.”

However, despite these robust recycling numbers, the article reports that, “Under the SUP [Single-Use Plastics] Directive, the industry is required to reach recovery rates of 77% by 2025 and 90% by 2029, but the collection volume growth rate is currently falling. ICIS estimates that the volume of collected material will need to increase by 7% per annum if the 2029 target is to be met.”

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