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Automation and collaboration go hand in hand

Here are key points mentioned by some of the 140+ operations, engineering, CPGs, contract packagers and OEMs who participated in Vision 2025.


• Security is a big issue in automation, so bringing IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operations Technology) together to make sure systems are secure is critical, but challenging – additionally, OEMs need to be involved in these discussions as well, e.g., remote access.

• How to best utilize VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) in remote communications between CPGs and OEMs.

• Collaboration in risky projects is challenging for both CPGs and OEMs – no one wants to be the guinea pig.

• Standardizing automation specifications so that CPGs and OEMs are on the same page can be difficult.


• Embracing the use of collaborative robots in e-commerce initiatives – also, partnering with 3PL on some pilots to better understand the use and benefits of automation.

• With so many unique processes for brand owners, looking to Contract Packagers for help narrowing the scope to two or three processes and assistance in those few processes, especially on how to automate them.

• Spending more time with customers to better understand their needs – enabling closer collaboration for both CPGs and OEMs.

• Working to improve cross-functional communications, e.g., IT, engineering, maintenance, quality, operations, etc. especially as it relates to automation in production operations.

• Greater use of AR and VR technology.

Learn more about key manufacturing challenges that were discussed during Vision 2025, and download the entire 20-page report for FREE below.

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