- Net Buying 101 (Net Sourcing 04.2000, p. 1)
Buyer Gives Thumbs Up to Online Marketplace (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 2)
Equipment Purchasing: Point and click palletizer (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 4)
Purchasing palletizing equipment became a whole lot easier for Kimberly-Clark Corp. when the company encountered the right Web site.
Corrugated comes over the internet (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 6)
Building materials supplier Owens Corning is convinced that procurement can be conducted most efficiently and cost effectively via reverse auctions over the Internet.
Simmons saves $400ꯠ in 3 hours (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 7)
Reverse auction for polyethylene film yields instant savings. Other materials are next.
Net Purchasing: Not Ready for Prime Time (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 14)
An exclusive survey of Packaging World purchasing readers indicates enthusiasm for buying via the Internet but little actual experience in packaging purchases thus far.
Cap ordering goes electronic (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 18)
Packaging Portalmania (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 20)
Service with an e-smile (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 22)
Clothier Ann Taylor benefits from Marq Packaging Systems’ online manuals, parts ordering and consulting.
Notable Web sites (Net Sourcing, 04.2000, p. 22)
A brief list of notable Web sites for packaging procurement.