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Current CEO, Mark Mathes announced he will be stepping away from the day-to-day management of the business to take on the new role of Executive Chairman. Mathes’s focuses going forward will be to lead M & A and to work to make the company a stronger national level display and packaging company.
Stoler is a veteran of the manufacturing industry of paper-based food packaging, corrugated packaging, adhesives, plastics, and agriculture equipment. In his most recent position, Stoler was the President of FDC Graphics Films where he had full P&L responsibility for all aspects of the operation. Stoler and his team were able to double the revenue of the business. In these roles, Stoler’s experiences included strategic planning, building high performance management teams, cultivating data driven organizations and positioning businesses for best-in-class performance.
“Together, Vanguard and Dunes Point Capital are excited to have Chris join the team to lend his experiences to strong business growth” said Mark Mathes.