The European Trade Association, which represents the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) and the International Confederation of Paper and Board Converters in Europe (CITPA), has recommended the use of mineral oil-free (MOF) printing inks on paper and board packaging applications. Additionally, the German Federation for Food Law and Food Science has recommended to the food industry, along with other measures, to use specific mineral oil free printing inks.
In compliance with these regulations, InkJet, Inc. announces the release of MOAH (Mineral Oils and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons) free and MOSH (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons) free printing inks. Compliance for the MOF inks is based on information from suppliers, testing data, and formulation analysis. No MOAH or MOSH ingredients are intentionally added during our ink manufacturing or packaging processes.
“We are committed to a continuous improvement process, which includes evaluating and reviewing regulations that affect the use of inks and fluids throughout the world. The health and safety of our customers, partners, and employees is of the utmost importance,” commented Curtis Gladney, environmental, health, and safety manager for InkJet, Inc.
The following high-resolution printing inks are mineral oil free:
• TRJ 101 – Oil-based, dye ink for TridentÒprintheads
• XRJ 102 – Oil-based, pigment ink for XaarÒprintheads
• XRJ 103 – Oil-based, pigment ink cleaner/flushing solvent
• IMA 8032 – Solvent-based, dye ink for Xaar printheads, fast drying
• SQ 4778 – Solvent-based, dye ink for Xaar printheads, slow drying
• 271 – Glycol-based, dye ink for Trident printhead
• 272 – Glycol-based, dye ink for Trident printhead