Sold refrigerated, the product appeals to a youth-oriented audience and relies on the shrink label’s dynamic graphics to position the product in the marketplace.
Shake has a consistency akin to a milk shake, and is distributed in Pennsylvania through convenience and grocery stores, according to Frank Kyger, Galliker’s vice president of sales and marketing. Shake will also be marketed at restaurants.
According to Kyger, the challenge in packaging the product is to differentiate it as a “treat” rather than a traditional milk beverage.
Packaging Technique: The answer is a full-body shrink label carrying dynamic graphics that emphasize a cartoon character of a young boy to help identify and attract the target audience. The graphics deliver shelf impact to drive impulse purchases. Different label graphics are used for each of Shake’s four varieties—root beer, vanilla, super chocolate, and cookies ‘n cream.
Galliker Dairy had used shrink sleeves, so employing them on the 12-oz bottles for the milk shake product was a natural step. The Pentaprint PVC film is from Klöckner Pentaplast of America. It gives the dairy the approximately 50% shrink it needs at the bottle’s neck. The film is printed gravure in 10 colors by Seal-It, Inc..
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