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It's interpack's 50th!

A sold-out DĂĽsseldorf Trade Fair Center awaits visitors and exhibitors alike.

Pw 7479 Interpack2008

Packaged goods manufacturers of all stripes are looking for ways to better integrate the processing and packaging parts of their businesses. So there may be no better time to attend interpack, the triennial international packaging show that puts on display the entire value creation chain, from production and refinement of packaging products and packaging materials, through packaging and distribution, and right on up to quality assurance and consumer protection.

Over interpack’s seven-day run April 24-30 in Düsseldorf, Germany, visitors will encounter the very latest in processing and packaging trends in such segments as foods and beverages, confectionery and baked goods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, non-food consumer goods, and industrial goods. They’ll also have ample opportunities to forge new contacts they’ll rely on for years to come.

Under the interpack 2008 umbrella, the Innovationparc Packaging will treat visitors to interactive solutions that meet the diverse demands of the marketplace. The focus will be on innovations in fast-moving consumer goods, with each one presented in the context of its own unique value chain.

This will mark the 50th anniversary of interpack, and show sponsor Messe DĂĽsseldorf anticipates a record participation. They note that the most recent interpack, held in 2005, drew 2,654 exhibitors from 57 countries and 176,964 visitors from 106 countries.

“The interpack 2008 concept responds to the needs of a market that is at present developing very positively,” says Wilhelm Niedergoker, managing director of Messe Düsseldorf. “This is evident not only in the increased size of traditional exhibitors’ stands but also in the large number of companies that will be making their first appearance at interpack.”

For more information on visiting interpack 2008, including a complete list of exhibitors, visit

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