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Get to Know Trump’s FDA Pick

President Trump’s nominee for FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, could help speed up regulatory approval of drugs.

FDA commissioner nominee, Scott Gottlieb
FDA commissioner nominee, Scott Gottlieb

A March 10th Politico article discussed President Trump’s pick for FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb. Gottlieb, a conservative pharma insider, may be a welcome leader after one of Trump’s other candidates, Silicon Valley investor Jim O’Neill, suggested the FDA should approve drugs without proof that they work. Gottlieb is a physician and cancer survivor, so he’s no stranger to the healthcare landscape.

According to his résumé, Gottlieb has been on GSK’s research and development board for the past 6 years, and was on the oncology board prior to that. He advises Bristol-Myers Squibb on its cancer drugs and served as a senior advisor to cystic fibrosis drug-maker, Vertex Pharmaceuticals. He has also sat on a number of boards including Daiichi Sankyo, Tolero, MedAvante, and Glytech as well as serving as the FDA’s deputy commissioner for medical and scientific affairs from 2005 to 2007. Gottlieb’s free-market health policy views could make good on Trump’s promises to lower drug prices.

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