As a consumer, have you ever opened a new CD to have it fall out of the package, together with splinters of plastic?
As a packager, has your product ever been misaligned in its container, causing you to scrap the package altogether?
As a packager, has Marketing requested a promotional item be incorporated in the final packaged product that is challenging to handle?
Or, worse yet, have you heard from a dissatisfied customer who complained about a product that you determine must have been defective before it even left your plant?
Packagers demand accurate placement of products like CDs, DVDs, and gift cards, or coupons on packs of cigarettes or in cartons of soda, to maintain processing efficiency, maximize merchandising opportunities and simply meet retailer and consumer expectations.
Unfortunately, improperly positioned products during the packaging process are a frequent outcome. Many automated systems experience problems skewing products sideways or placing them inconsistently. And manual placement, while exacting, is costly in terms of both the labor costs and ergonomic issues.
Best practices for promotional item placement on packaging
Mar 23, 2007