JLS Automation
York, PA 17402
JLS Automation ensures safe operations and food safety with hygienic, custom vision-guided primary and secondary robotic packaging systems.
Hygienic, primary and secondary robotic packaging solutions and integrated systems
12 months after system acceptance
Spare parts kits as part of the installation package. Service agreements that include periodic service visits, remote monitoring, and maintenance agreements where appropriate. Virtual, remote monitoring is standard for all systems.
Training is typically customized for the specific application/system deployed – available for maintenance and operators. Virtual training available via JLS View technology.
System integration, design, test and installation
Hygienic Robotic Packaging Solutions:
JLS Automation ensures safe operations and food safety with hygienic, custom vision-guided primary and secondary robotic packaging systems. Our easy-to-use systems solve complex packaging challenges while tackling the strictest sanitary packaging requirements.
Our robotic packaging systems are easy-to-operate, made to get wet, easy to integrate into your packaging line and never get tired!
Talon® - hygienic primary loading systems
Peregrine® - vision-guided robotic cartoners
Osprey® - sanitary case packers for flexible food packages
Hawk™ - versatile case packers for cartons and rigid containers
Sandwich Assembly Systems - automatically build fresh or IQF sandwiches
Integrated Systems - full system responsibility from concept to design, integration, FAT and installation
JLS View -real-time virtual support, training and machine monitoring