Independent Can Co.1300 Brass Mill RoadBelcamp, MD 21017-0370United States iconYouTube iconLinkedIn iconPhone:410-272-0090Fax:4102737500From Independent Can Co.Independent Can Commissions Nine-color Print LineRyan Huether Promoted to Chief Operating Officer for Independent CanIndependent Can Receives High SQF ScoreIndependent Can Co. Achieves High Score in SQF AuditIndependent Can: Promotional TinsIndependent Can: Hermetic packagingIndependent Can: Metal lithographyIndependent Can Co. receives excellence in print quality awardIndependent Can Co. named Best Family Owned BusinessIndependent Can: Industrial cans and closuresIndependent Can: Seamless tinsIndependent Can Co. receives excellence in print awardsPage 1 of 2Next Page