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Thermal Protective Packaging

Made from plant-based starch, Storopack’s recyclable Renature Thermo protective packaging is designed for use in shipping pharmaceuticals, food, and other temperature-controlled consignments.

Storopack Renature Thermo

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Storopack’s Renature Thermo features moisture-resistant paper cushioning with an insulating filling mainly made from plant-based starch. It only utilizes starch that is a by-product of the food industry that would otherwise be disposed of. Renature Thermo can be reused multiple times—and disposed of in an eco-friendly way. The paper and starch are made completely from renewable raw materials and can be easily recycled or composted; after use, consumers can simply separate the two components and dispose of them as recyclable paper/via compost or organic waste.

Due to the insulating properties of Renature Thermo, the temperature inside the shipping carton can be kept within a variety of ranges, with different types of cooling media used to do so. As such, cold chains remain intact, even when it’s hot outside.

Renature Thermo boasts a practical U-shaped design, meaning that two cushions can effectively cover all six sides around the shipping goods for perfect protection within the box. Even sensitive goods such as medications are kept safe and sound. The U-shaped design also helps facilitate a fast, straightforward, and ergonomic packing process, as the goods are ready for shipping in the box in just a few steps. Another benefit is the cushions’ low weight, which helps reduce shipping costs.

On request, Storopack will supply customers with Renature Thermo as a complete, shipping-ready set comprising a shipping carton, two Renature Thermo paper cushions, and gel packs to keep the goods cool. Alternatively, customers can order the sustainable protective packaging and use their own boxes and gel packs for their temperature-controlled consignments.

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